Friday, November 14, 2008

Life is crazy, its been a while since I posted anything. I thought I'd stop for a second and blog a little......Its funny Kaylee the other day was talking about Vetrans day and why she had the day off and I was trying to explain to the best of my ability......we started talking about family and friends in the military and how much they sacrafice to keep us safe and I know I have told kaylee several times about my Dad but for some reason this time she was really confused because she said "what do you mean Papas your dad" so again I explained how yes papa is my dad, but my dad before him went to heaven when I was really young....which got her a little concerned after she asked how old I was (10) I saw the little wheels turning (hmmm I'm 7, mommy was 10....) so I had to reassure her that daddy was fine and sometimes we dont have control over who goes to heaven, sometimes God needs them more...etc....etc...not so easy to explain to a 7 year old.....which got us on a whole other topic which was how thankful we are to have so may people who love us and Kaylee said that for Thanksgiving she wanted to play a game where everyone says what they are thankful sweet is compasionate, sweet here is what I am so thankful for....
My children and their unfiltered compassion and love....and cute little coments!!
My husband, who is truely my best friend and soulmate.....( I know corney, but he really does complete me, hes the ying to my yang......I know corney again....)
My family....without them.....I cant imagine....all of em' both by blood and really.....not one I'd trade in......welllll....J/k
So much to be thankful for I could write a book ( a very looooong boring one.....)
But really.... We need to take time sometimes and just be THANKFUL..... I know I am so thankful for so many blessings in my life!!!
Happy thanksgiving....I'm sure it will be Christmas before I blog again, but just wanted to say I AM THANKFUL, LOVED, & So everyone who I love and loves me Have a great update....probably Christmas!!!
Love Ya'll, Tricia

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