Friday, April 4, 2008

Well, I thought I would start our own little blog......seriously the whole downloading of the picture thing is driving me absolutly for now, until I figure it out, there will be no photos. I think I might need to take a computer class or something, or maybe just learn to have some patience. I think it would be a lot easier for me to become a computer teacher than it would for me to get patience....


Robert and Trish said...

Woo hoo!!! I am so glad to have another blog to read...I am slightly addicted! :)

w&pb&family said...

Trish I am totally with you once I figured out the pictures I got totally exited and am so happy to see that someone else is reading it.
P.S The T&A thing was funny....our minds are in the same gutter.

Trish said...

Same gutter...totally! Atleast I know I am in good company! :)

Now that you have the photos thing figured out...its onto high speed internet, my friend. You would enjoy it so much more!!
(And it probably doesn't cost much more, if at all, than dial-up)

w&pb&family said...

I actually think high speed is cheaper....definately need to take care of that!!